--- title: "CodelistGenerator search options: codes for osteoarthritis" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{a02_Candidate_codes_OA} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} library(DBI) library(dplyr) library(CodelistGenerator) library(CDMConnector) ``` ## Creating a codelist for osteoarthritis For this example we are going to generate a candidate codelist for osteoarthritis, looking at the impact of alternative search strategies. ```{r, eval=FALSE} library(DBI) library(RPostgres) ``` ```{r, eval=FALSE} # postgres database connection details serverDbi <- Sys.getenv("server") user <- Sys.getenv("user") password <- Sys.getenv("password") port <- Sys.getenv("port") host <- Sys.getenv("host") db <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname = serverDbi, port = port, host = host, user = user, password = password ) # name of vocabulary schema vocabularyDatabaseSchema <- "vocabulary" # create cdm reference cdm <- CDMConnector::cdm_from_con( con = db, cdm_schema = vocabularyDatabaseSchema ) ``` ## Search strategies ### Condition domain, without searching synonyms, with exclusions, without including descendants or ancestor ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} oaCodes1 <- readRDS(system.file("optionsData01.RData", package = "CodelistGenerator")) ``` To start we will search for "osteoarthritis", while excluding "post-infection" and "post-traumatic", but without searching synonyms, without searching via non-standard codes, and without including descendants or the direct ancestor of the included concepts. ```{r, eval=FALSE} oaCodes1 <- getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, keywords = "osteoarthritis", domains = "Condition", searchInSynonyms = FALSE, searchNonStandard = FALSE, exclude = c( "post-infection", "post-traumatic" ), includeDescendants = FALSE, includeAncestor = FALSE ) ``` What is the candidate codelist? ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE } oaCodes1 %>% glimpse() ``` ### Including descendants ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} oaCodes2 <- readRDS(system.file("optionsData02.RData", package = "CodelistGenerator")) ``` Now we will also include the descendants of included concepts. ```{r, eval=FALSE} oaCodes2 <- getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, keywords = "osteoarthritis", domains = "Condition", searchInSynonyms = FALSE, searchNonStandard = FALSE, exclude = c( "post-infection", "post-traumatic" ), includeDescendants = TRUE, includeAncestor = FALSE ) ``` What new codes do we pick up? ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE } newCodes1To2 <- compareCodelists(oaCodes1, oaCodes2) %>% filter(codelist == "Only codelist 2") %>% select(-"codelist") newCodes1To2 %>% glimpse() ``` ### Including observation domain ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} oaCodes3 <- readRDS(system.file("optionsData03.RData", package = "CodelistGenerator")) ``` Now we will search the observation domain as well as the condition domain. ```{r, eval=FALSE} oaCodes3 <- getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, keywords = "osteoarthritis", domains = c("Condition", "Observation"), searchInSynonyms = FALSE, searchNonStandard = FALSE, exclude = c( "post-infection", "post-traumatic" ), includeDescendants = FALSE, includeAncestor = FALSE ) ``` What new codes do we pick up? ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE } newCodes1To3 <- compareCodelists(oaCodes1, oaCodes3) %>% filter(codelist == "Only codelist 2") %>% select(-"codelist") newCodes1To3 %>% glimpse() ``` ### Search synonyms ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} oaCodes4 <- readRDS(system.file("optionsData04.RData", package = "CodelistGenerator")) ``` Now we will search the concept synonym table to identify concepts to include. ```{r, eval=FALSE} oaCodes4 <- getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, keywords = "osteoarthritis", domains = "Condition", searchInSynonyms = TRUE, searchNonStandard = FALSE, exclude = c( "post-infection", "post-traumatic" ), includeDescendants = FALSE, includeAncestor = FALSE ) ``` What new codes do we pick up? ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE } newCodes1To4 <- compareCodelists(oaCodes1, oaCodes4) %>% filter(codelist == "Only codelist 2") %>% select(-"codelist") newCodes1To4 %>% glimpse() ``` ### Search via non-standard ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} oaCodes5 <- readRDS(system.file("optionsData05.RData", package = "CodelistGenerator")) ``` Now we will search the concept synonym table to identify concepts to include. ```{r, eval=FALSE} oaCodes5 <- getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, keywords = "osteoarthritis", domains = "Condition", searchInSynonyms = FALSE, searchNonStandard = TRUE, exclude = c( "post-infection", "post-traumatic" ), includeDescendants = FALSE, includeAncestor = FALSE ) ``` What new codes do we pick up? ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE } newCodes1To5 <- compareCodelists(oaCodes1, oaCodes5) %>% filter(codelist == "Only codelist 2") %>% select(-"codelist") newCodes1To5 %>% glimpse() ``` ### Include ancestor ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=FALSE} oaCodes8 <- readRDS(system.file("optionsData07.RData", package = "CodelistGenerator")) ``` Now we include the direct ancestor of included terms. ```{r, eval=FALSE} oaCodes8 <- getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, keywords = "osteoarthritis", domains = "Condition", searchInSynonyms = FALSE, searchNonStandard = FALSE, exclude = c( "post-infection", "post-traumatic" ), includeDescendants = FALSE, includeAncestor = TRUE ) ``` What new codes do we pick up? ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE } newCodes1To8 <- compareCodelists(oaCodes1, oaCodes8) %>% filter(codelist == "Only codelist 2") %>% select(-"codelist") newCodes1To8 %>% glimpse() ```